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Move In Ready

Move In Ready

Welcome your feathered friends with a new home.  Spring is on it's way and it's time for our feathered friends to be on the house hunt.  Why not welcome them with a new home or trailer.  These fun reimagined birdhouses are sure to attract comments as well as birds with their whimsical designs.  

Create a comfy campground for your fly in guests with our Happy Camper Birdhouse.  Place our Vintage Mailbox Birdhouse high on a pole with some clematis growing up it and create the ultimate bird retreat.   Rustic and inviting, The Silo Birdhouse will add to your farmhouse décor while offering feathered friends a place to nest. 

Nothing says spring like chirping birds...We love watching and listening to the songbirds in our backyard.  From dawn to dusk they, nest, feed and raise their families.  Whether your looking for a birdhouse to add to your farmhouse décor or a new home for the wild birds in your backyard, these fun, rustic and vintage inspired birdhouses are sure to add instant charm to your outdoor space.  The birds in your yard won't settle for any old home once they get a look at these birdhouses.

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